Thursday, December 24, 2009

Which layer of Mormon hell do people that listen to Smashing Pumpkins and Radiohead go to?

They are a layer above people who listen to Placebo and Metallica, and a layer below people who listen to REM and Pet Shop Boys.Which layer of Mormon hell do people that listen to Smashing Pumpkins and Radiohead go to?
most unrepentant sinners who repent in the face of jesus might only go to the telestial glory.

there is a lower hell then where prostitutes and whoremongers and liars and thieves go.

such a place is called a place without glory.

most christians and mormons a like might not get into the Terrestrial glory.

however mormons have a greater pass becasue of their repentance and temple ordinances if they do not sin.

that was the indirect answer!

let me try to answer directly...

those that die in their sins go to hell automaticall, jesus said without faith a person is damned already.

as for music, unless the music is devil worship and the person who listens to it is a devil worshipper the odds are good that a person will avoid hell and possible get spirit prison or purgatory. what matters is faith. and if a person hasnt commited a critical sin. the bible says one sin is forgiven but for ten sins there there is destruction and it says men do stay in hell ten days.

paul also said if a person does not eat animals strangled or cooked in blood or drink blook or eat food offered to idols they will do well.Which layer of Mormon hell do people that listen to Smashing Pumpkins and Radiohead go to?
The one where Miley Cyrus holds a never-ending concert. There's no better way to punish people with good taste in music than to make them listen to eternal ear rape.
Mormons believe we all go to heaven. There is no hell and no layers there either, so double FAIL.

Smashing Pumpkins are awesome.
I don't know but I sure wouldn't like to go with them.

Radiohead are DULL
Sorry Mormons don't believe in hell or lake of fire.

Stop being ignorant.
Troll much?
all mormons go to hell.

I dont like those bands nad havent heard of them
they dont control hell which is graves...they block me cuz they dont want to hear the truth of the trinity..

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