Sunday, December 27, 2009

Southern living recipes strawberry pie/chocolate layer on top of crust in SL mid 90's?鈥?/a>

What global warming and the ozone layer like to ask?

what is a sphereWhat global warming and the ozone layer like to ask?
a three-deminsional object the shape of the earth moon sun ball etcWhat global warming and the ozone layer like to ask?
A shape that is 3-dimentional that is in the shape of a kick-ball for example.

How do I cut a round layer cake with a 3D shaped cake on top?

Specifically, the third one (Mary D's) on this site: do I cut a round layer cake with a 3D shaped cake on top?
If the 3D part is made from a separate cake you can just slip that part off and cut the round layer cake. Then you can give the 3D part to the person you made the cake for. If the round cake is not big enough to serve everyone else then you can slice the 3D cake and serve that also. If the cake is huge and it's too difficult to remove the 3D part then just slice the 3D part down to the layer cake first and when you're done with the 3D part start on the layer cake.How do I cut a round layer cake with a 3D shaped cake on top?
Two ideas:

1) You could either place the 3D car cake on a cake board cut the same size as the cake, so you could remove it from on top of the round layer before cutting. This should make it easier to remove rather than just using a spatula, which is not going to completely fit under that car cake.

2) You could simply cut it normally in slices/wedges, and just make the pieces that would have both cakes very tall and narrow.

I also like the idea of giving the car cake to the person you made it for!

Happy Baking and Good Luck!

I would either slice and serve the car first, or remove the car prior to slicing and let the guests decide whether they want a slice of the round cake or the car cake (since 3-D cakes are usually made with a heavier batter, and the round, I'm assuming, is regular cake batter then they would get a choice as to which is their favorite). Simply slide a large, metal spatula under the cake (sometimes using 2 works better, one in front and one on side, to help stabilize), and lift the car cake off and onto a cutting surface.

The cake you're making is a cute one. When my son was going through a car phase at 2, I made the Wilton 3-D car and placed it on top of a large sheet cake, which had a road iced diaganolly onto the top. That was one of the cutest cakes I decorated.

Good luck with the serving!!
try using a metal wire to cut them out
  • glycolic peel
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  • I got a new tattoo a little while ago and, and I was wondering if peeling of the top layer is common?

    The person said that in a few days after getting my tattoo that a thin opaque film will appear and that is normal, so I was wondering if peeling of that top layer was normal too.I got a new tattoo a little while ago and, and I was wondering if peeling of the top layer is common?
    Yeah it is. It's a scab.I got a new tattoo a little while ago and, and I was wondering if peeling of the top layer is common?
    That's what mine did, too. Also, I think they told me not to get it wet for 3 days. I can't remember that was five years ago.
    all you need to apply is either lubricant it is all good!
    Yes, the top layer of skin is going to peel, because when the needle gun was putting the ink into your skin, tiny pockets of air seep in too. This is going to make the skin on and around the tattoo basically molt, but it's okay. The main reason they want you to keep antibiotic ointment or lotion or some sort of moisturizer on it is to make sure it doesn't get infected as well as try to lessen this effect, but it will happen no matter what.
    peeling and some bleeding of the ink is normal, You just had a needle rammed into your skin thousands of times, it will heal with the pretty ink inside forever :) Just put some vasaline or neosporin over it to keep it moist
    yes it is!
    Yeah, the skin often peels a bit. You should be using some sort of moisturizing cream to protect it though.
    yes it's fine.
    yes use moisturizer
    it's just the scab that's coming off. make sure you are putting an anti-biotic ointment on it to keep infection and drying away so that the healing process won't take as long. also, don't pick at...let the scab come off on its own
    i got tat 24 years ago all they told me was to keep vasoline on it i had a fit when it peeled but they do i dont know why.......i still have the tat
    Absolutely. You should keep it covered with some sort of topical ointment to keep it fresh looking and stop it from peeling.
    they didn't give you instructions?

    I got a movie that is split on two discs is it possible to put it on one dual layer disc?

    yes, if the total is under 8.5 gigs

    In Smackdown Vs Raw 2007, How do you uncheck the match layer?

    IM having a really hard time with this, i dont want glasses on the guys face while he is fightingIn Smackdown Vs Raw 2007, How do you uncheck the match layer?
    Go to ';Layer Organizer'; on the Layers and Extras tab and choose ';Display Setup';. Then choose a layer by pressing A, a menu will pop up allowing you to choose which times you want the layer to appear, Cutscene, Entrance, or Match. If you don't want the layer to show up during the match, then highlight Match and press A.In Smackdown Vs Raw 2007, How do you uncheck the match layer?
    Go to create a character, press edit then go to accessories and uncheck where you don't want your character to have glasses. You should have 3 choices. (in ring, Back stage, Entrance).

    Is it okay to layer EXTREMELY curly hair?

    okay ive got like majorly curly hair. but i wear it straightened. would it look okay if i got layers? or would it look terrible? or should i get it thinned? help!Is it okay to layer EXTREMELY curly hair?
    yes as long as you get long layers, if you get short layers your hair will have a triangle looking effect when it is dry and be poofy.Is it okay to layer EXTREMELY curly hair?
    I would get the layers because it will help de-frizzify your hair ;) My friend has extremely curly hair too and she got layers which took care of her frizzy problem. =] It also makes your easier to style AND straighten =]
    Yeah, actually layers are great for curly hair. You may want to get it thinned also, but I would ask your stylist what she/he thinks. They would know what layers are best for your hair type.
    Well in my opinion i think you should get layers because layers are cute and plus since you got curly hair i don't think you need your hair thinned.
    if you are gonna straight it then yes i think it would be okay.

    answer mine please.;鈥?/a>
    Think Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman... it will look great.... I have fairly curly hair too and i live it I dont straighten it much though.
    Ov course it'll look ok.. My natural hair is curly %26amp; i hve alotta layers.. buhh i mostly keep my hair str8 %26amp; my hair is thin soo.. dnt thin out yur hair leave yur hair thick (:

    Why is the Ozone layer crucial to life on earth?

    It blocks harmful UV (Ultra violet) rays that are harmful to creatures on Earth.Why is the Ozone layer crucial to life on earth?
    High up in the atmosphere, 15-35 kilometers stratospheric ozone blocks harmful ultraviolet rays from the sun .Low in the atmosphere 0-5 kilometers, tropospheric ozone contibutes to smog and can be harmful to our breathing. It can damage lung tissue by making it brittle.Why is the Ozone layer crucial to life on earth?
    It filters out the sun's UV rays so we don't get skin poisoning, or more global warming. Stuff like that.
    It keeps the suns harmful rays from overheating the planet, and it also keeps oxygen from escaping.
    the ozone layer is a particular part of the upper atmoshere that acts like the earths own sun-protection lotion and stops harmful radiation entering the atmosphere. unfortunately man-made chemicals such as CFC'c (used in packaging, spray paint can's, some fire extinguisher filled with (argon?) and refridgerator chemicals used as coolants such as R22 damage this layer. thats why they have been banned for years, but some damage has already been done
    So we don't get roasted.
    It has ozone molecules which block deadly radiation from the sun. Therefore, without an ozone layer, basically if you stepped outside you would probably get immediate sun burn and longer periods of time will result in skin cancer.
    Ozone restricts the amount of solar rays hitting the planet. if there was no ozone, the temperature would rise so dramatically that the oceans would dry up and we would all die. Ozone (O3) is ';destroyed'; by chlorofluorocarbons (CFC's) which are found in aerosols, fridges etc. Also, there is no ';hole'; in the ozone layer, it is actually becoming thinner. (Just to clear up a common misunderstaning, no offence intended :D )

    Don't have the layer (folded) eyelids? How do i put make-up?

    All whites (a lot of people) have the folded eyelid thing so they can put eye shadow on it...well i dont have it. How am i suppose to put eye shadow without that layer? Any advice?Don't have the layer (folded) eyelids? How do i put make-up?
    You don't have the fold but if you look closely you can see a bit of a crease or wrinkle.

    When you apply shadow put the lightest color close to your brow, then the medium shade under that to your lash line. With the darkest color, apply it only to the creased area, spreading out slightly. And voila! Insta-fold!Don't have the layer (folded) eyelids? How do i put make-up?
    Go to a makeup counter at a good store, those girls are usually experts at things like that.....
    Not all white people have that, I've seen people who don't. We, believe it or not, are all different. It's not like you don't have an eyelid it just may be smaller, you need to figure out how your eyes will look best with make up on. Just experiment.
    i dont have that either!

    when i put on eyeshadow, you can only see it when i blink!

    so i usually put eyeshadow up to my eyebrow.
  • glycolic peel
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  • How to align a layer in center ?

    How to align a layer in the center of a page using dreamweaver ? Such as this yahoo page right here.How to align a layer in center ?
    %26lt;style type=';text/css';%26gt;

    .centerMe {

    margin-left: auto;

    margin-right: auto;



    %26lt;div class=';centerMe';%26gt; Centered text%26lt;/div%26gt;How to align a layer in center ?
    center a layer, not a div tag Report Abuse

    There are many good books available at the average public library on Dreamweaver. They would do a better job of answering questions like that than I ever could. My favorites are The Complete Idiot's Guides and The Dummies Guides although your local library may not have those for Dreamweaver.
    Best option is to label a DIV with a unique ID or a class and apply the styling via CSS. Conventional wisdom suggests that you then just need to give the div a width and then set the margins to auto. I however allways take the extra step of setting the text alignment on the document body to center - otherwise the centered div generally doesn't work in older versions of IE.

    sample code below.

    %26lt;!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC ';-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN';


    %26lt;html xmlns=';';%26gt;



    %26lt;meta http-equiv=';content-type'; content=';application/xhtml+xml; charset=utf-8'; /%26gt;

    %26lt;style type=';text/css';%26gt;


    text-align: center;



    width: 800px;

    margin: 20px auto 40px auto;


    margin shorthand notation used to apply 20px margin

    to the top and 40px bottom of the box, and auto to the

    left and right

    notation: top right bottom left






    %26lt;div id=';Container';%26gt;


    Regular content goes here





    Can normal standard Thin layer chromatography (TLC) use to separate Cis and trans product ?

    Sometimes. It really is a case-dependent issue since some cis / trans isomers (diatereomers) separate well on silica while others don't. From personal experience, I've noticed that cis / trans mixtures of cyclic compounds usually separate better than the analogous mixture of acyclic isomers (disubstituted cyclohexanes vs. hexanes, for example)...

    Hope this helps!!!

    Do space rockets do more damage to the delicate ozone layer than cars?

    The ozone layer is a thin layer of gases which one would assume would dissapate when ripped thru with a massive space rocket.

    We all know there are such things as holes in the ozone layer but how do they realy get there. I can't help but to look at the obvious!

    This is not to say that there are not other causes aswell but simply, maybe we should leave outer space as just that and forget about wanting to be the next on the moon. Especially if it will be the demise of this great planet.Do space rockets do more damage to the delicate ozone layer than cars?
    Some rocket launches that use certain kinds of fuel (such as the space shuttle solid rocket boosters) can damage to the ozone layer, but there are so few launches that the total damage is still much less than releases of Freon and other CFCs.

    However, some other rockets, notably the Delta 4 heavy, do not use solid rocket boosters. They burn only hydrogen and oxygen, producing only water vapor as exhaust. That is not damaging to the ozone layer. The shuttle main engines also burn hydrogen and oxygen, but they need the help of the solid rocket boosters for the first minute or two of flight.Do space rockets do more damage to the delicate ozone layer than cars?
    OK, gas is a fluid, and by delicate layer, it is still rather thick. Ozone is just a combination of oxygen molecules that forms due to UV light (it ionizes the regular oxygen molecules). And by ozone layer they mean that its in a higher concentration there then in other places, its not like a 2 inch sheet of pure O3. Its kind of like ice floating on water, the water is constantly melting the ice, which is having water freeze to its surface. Depending on the temperature, one reaction or the other will win, or it can stay stable. So if you put a straw through your glass, the ice will move around it. when you remove the straw it will move back into the openning it created (gases do this as well - diffusion). Also as the rockets are usually fairly aerodynamic, they dont want to waste energy by creating large suctions behind the ship.

    The hole in the ozone layer is due to other chemicals such as CFCs which react with ozone to break it down (think ice in hot water). These tend to migrate towards the poles due to winds and whatnot - if you look at prevailing wind patterns, the poles are large convergence zones.
    Your understanding of the ozone layer is badly distorted. It is NOT a ';thin layer of gases. Its a region of the atmosphere about 30-50 km up where there is a higher concentration of O3 (ozone). Passing through it does not ';rip it apart'; any more than you ';rip'; the air apart when you move around. That myth was perpetrated by people who know nothing about science--they just like to make people think they do.

    And in any case, neither cars nor rockets can hurt the ozone layer. The only damage ever caused by human action was the introduction of CFCs into the atmosphere. Those chemicals break down ozone chemically--but their production was stopped decades ago--and the ozone layer is slowly beginning to recvver as the CFCs break down.

    We have enough real environmental problems you can learn about and talk about--without wasting your efforts on myths.
    Don't be rockets?????
    Rockets don't poke the holes we read about that are in the ozone layer. The holes are many thousands of kilometers in size, whereas the largest rockes are about 30 meters in diameter and the exhaust is possibly 50-75 meters in diameter. Also, the ozone layer is not that thin of a layer, and is being continually replenished by photochemical processes.

    Ozone is destroyed by chemicals that prevent molecular oxygen from dissociating into molecular oxygen and recombining as O3 (ozone). While rocket exhaust may contain some of these chemicals, the number of rockets and the mass of the exhaust is greatly exceeded by the mass of automobile exhaust worldwide, and the mass of other chemicals released into the atmosphere from other sources.

    I would be much more concerned with jet engine exhaust than rocket exhaust. The total mass of jet exhaust is much greater than rocket exhaust worldwide.
    No...but cows the reference article...

    Whats the difference between DVD +R and DVD +R Dual Layer?

    Dual-Layer has about twice the capacity. Dual-Layer blanks are still quite expensive. Regular single layer 4.7 GB disks are much less expensive.Whats the difference between DVD +R and DVD +R Dual Layer?
    dual layer will have double the capacity of a standard 4.7gig disc . these are no cheap either though

    Hi, Can anyone help me. I have an extra layer of skin growing from my tonsil. It is annoying when swallowing?

    The right tonsil has a flap of skin at the top rubbing against the roof of my throat. It isn't hugely painful but very annoying.Hi, Can anyone help me. I have an extra layer of skin growing from my tonsil. It is annoying when swallowing?
    id recomend to c a doc.

    maybe u got a virus or suttim.Hi, Can anyone help me. I have an extra layer of skin growing from my tonsil. It is annoying when swallowing?
    Is this something new? Get this checked by a physician immediately. Probably start with a primary care doc. Or head straight to an ENT. If this is something that just came up, it could be something serious that needs to be taken care of right away.

    What is a good layer to wear whitewater rafting....?

    East coast, May 26-28, Cheat Rivier.

    Looking for something like under-armor but not that..

    Does North Face make anything like it???

    Thanks youWhat is a good layer to wear whitewater rafting....?
    First of all, the Cheat is an amazing river to run.. hopefully the levels will be up so you can see it at its best. I just ran the Cheat two weekends ago at the annual Cheat River Festival and it was awe-inspiring as usual - however even then it was only just below 2 ft. and we haven't had much rain around here. =(

    Anyhow... back to your question......

    Sometimes I do wear under armour as a base layer, but usually something over it as well. Capilene or similar quick drying material are the best. Not sure where your located, but if your are around the Morgantown area, there's not alot of places that sell this type of water gear. I like NRS and Patagonia. there is also an REI store in Pittsburgh PA if you are near there - they have tons of good white water gear. The Cheat river canyon is always windy; however, the water is usually somewhat warm (at least compared to other rivers) but it will probably be a little chilly; however, if the sun is out, you should be okay. If you can't find anything other than the under armour go ahead and go with that, but try to find (buy or rent - if you're going with a company - they should rent you equipment) a paddle top. Paddle tops are not completely waterproof, but they make a huge difference in warmth and arent as uncomfortable as drytops. I always wear a long sleeve paddle top... and my honey is always in his shorty - no matter the weather.

    BTW, just did a little check for ya, and right now the Cheat is extremely low and is not running. I'll be hopin for some rain for ya so you are able to make your trip!What is a good layer to wear whitewater rafting....?
    Under Armour Cold Gear is the best. Period. Report Abuse

    wear something made of wool because no matter how wet it get you will still stay warm and hypothermia won't set in as quickly. but still carry extra clothes in a water proof bag just in case.
    The water will still be pretty cold then. I would wear a wetsuit.
    Obviously NOT cotton. I usually recommend quick dry shorts for the lower layer and anything synthetic for an upper. Capalene, Neoprene, or Polypropylene. North Face and Patagonia both make great products. Wear this under your wetsuit and you will certainly stay warmer. Most outfitters also provide splash jackets in addition to wetsuits. I would strongly suggest taking one with you. If you don't want to wear it you can tie it to the back of your PFD. Better to have it just in case. Being cold can make the trip a lot less enjoyable. If you layer as suggested you'll stay plenty warm and it will be a great trip! Have fun!
    dont sweat it too much, dude.

    no matter what you wear, youll be cold, so just wear a wetsuit,

    when you whitewater rafting there not much time to shiver or even think about being cold: its not as bad as youd think.

    Have fun!
  • glycolic peel
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  • Which starch could be used as a thickner for a layer in a cold desert? & give a reason.?

    The answer you're looking for is CORNFLOUR. This is the starch thickener used in custards and blancmanges to use as a layer in a trifleWhich starch could be used as a thickner for a layer in a cold desert? %26amp; give a reason.?
    is this your homework? ive seen people using flour as a thickener, but dont know if it contains starch.Which starch could be used as a thickner for a layer in a cold desert? %26amp; give a reason.?
    I use gelatin strips in cold deserts as thickeners. corn starch,flour,tarot root work with hot or cooked dishes.
    What is the content of the layer? Creamy, clear, ???

    Gum tragacanth can be used in hot OR cold mixtures of any content.
    It depends on if the item is cold from the beginning or is it cooked and cooled to get it there.

    Cold from the beginning: gelatin, thickens when it is cold

    Beginning hot: Corn Starch, thickens when hot only
    Pectin, although it isn't a starch. And because it isn't a starch it won't have that starchy after taste. Use it if the layer has fruit in it. Otherwise you might want to use cornstarch because it heats clear, mostly, and has a neutral flavour.
    It depends on the dessert. If it starts out being cooked then cooled, cornstarch would be your starch of choice. It doesn't change the color of the dessert and keeps well in the fridge. But if it is a dessert that starts cold and stays cold then a whipping cream might be your best choice.You can whip it to the consistency that you need and mix your other ingredients in with it. a flour and water can also be used to thicken,but you need heat, it's not transparent and adds flavor to the dish.

    Can i burn an xbox 360 game on a dual layer disc with an ATAPI DVD W DH16W1P ATA DEVICE?

    The title pretty much says it all, can i burn an xbox 360 game on a dual layer disc with an ATAPI DVD W DH16W1P ATA DEVICE?


    SamCan i burn an xbox 360 game on a dual layer disc with an ATAPI DVD W DH16W1P ATA DEVICE?
    Yeah mate, you should be able to because your DVD burner is able to burn dual layer discs!Can i burn an xbox 360 game on a dual layer disc with an ATAPI DVD W DH16W1P ATA DEVICE?
    If you have Nero you can do it
    Maybe, If the game allows it, If its in a protected format, i doubt it. Thanks! Hope this helps!:)!

    The solid, unweathered rock that lies beneath the top layer is called what?

    Bed rockThe solid, unweathered rock that lies beneath the top layer is called what?
    I'm not sure if you mean the Lithosphere, which includes the entire crust, the Mohorovicic Discontinuity (Moho) between the crust and the outer rigid Mantle.

    Mantle: Under the crust is the rocky mantle, which is composed of silicon, oxygen, magnesium, iron, aluminum, and calcium. The upper mantle is rigid and is part of the lithosphere (together with the crust). The lower mantle flows slowly, at a rate of a few centimeters per year. The asthenosphere is a part of the upper mantle that exhibits plastic properties. It is located below the lithosphere (the crust and upper mantle), between about 100 and 250 kilometers deep.The solid, unweathered rock that lies beneath the top layer is called what?
    upper mantle

    here are a couple of illustrations:鈥?/a>鈥?/a>
    It's actually called regolith.
    i believe it's the mantle.

    Is it possible to encrypt data at the application layer?

    yes, e.g. application gateways do this. ssl also is between the tcp/ip and application layer.

    Why Do People Layer Their Hair?

    Why do people layer their hair? Including guys since im one.Why Do People Layer Their Hair?
    People layer their hair for usually one of two reasons. One reason is to give your hair more volume if you have really thin hair. Another reason people get layers is when they have curly hair. If you don't have layers with curly hair you will usually end up looking like a triangle head because your hair becomes so heavy the top won't curl. If you layer your hair it takes some of the weight of and lets the different lengths curl and it makes it look a lot better.Why Do People Layer Their Hair?
    For people with thick hair (like me), layers is a must because it gives a more less poofy look than a 1 length hair. For people with thin hair, it gives volume-I think.

    It also gives definition to any type of hair.
    layers simply put, adds action to the hair.... so the hair won't just lay there flat and solid.

    there are long layers, short layers, and uniform layers (which is typically what guys have)

    good luck.
    Different reasons.

    I do it because my hair is so thick otherwise.

    basically it just lightens your hair weight.

    style's also a factor.

    it looks softer and fuller.

    It allows more versatility. People with hair the same length can't exactly spike their hair up or flip it out to do a Farrah hairstyle thing. Also gives it more body and texture.
    coz it look good? lol

    most ppl do it coz it gives their hair volume OR even the other way around, to make thick hair thinner

    layering rocks woot



    To give it body and definition.
    It frames the face nicely, gives it shape and makes it look less flat.
    its lighter
    it gives it more body and texture
    cause then it would just be blah and boring hair should show some personality
    cause it looks good and makes ur hair look interesting and not boring :D
    well at my school i love guys wth layerd hair its so hot !
    becasue it looks sexy when you run your fingers through it :)
    cuz it looks cute n it takes the weight off from palin hair..
    to make it look a certain way.
    it adds volume, texture and looks pretty=]
    because it's a different look and they want to??
    so their hair dont look plain and boring....
    well i do because its not so boring and makes my hair look more thin

    Does any one know how to open up the layer box in the photoshop program GIMP?

    From Yahoo Answers:

    ';Here are the Official GIMP Tutorials they will also be useful for future reference.';

    -Beryl 0.2.1/Linux Mint 7
  • glycolic peel
  • hair highlight
  • oil leak
  • olive oil
  • How can i tell if i have a dual layer burner?

    how do i tell if i have a dual layer burner i have a compaq desktop i didn't mess with the disk drive like change it out or anything like thatHow can i tell if i have a dual layer burner?
    Get the manufacturer's specs from www.

    Buy a disc and see whether you can burn it.How can i tell if i have a dual layer burner?
    It will say it on the front panel! If it doesnt say it, it aint dual layer.

    Hi, Can anyone help me. I have an extra layer of skin growing from my tonsil. It is annoying when swallowing?

    The right tonsil has a flap of skin at the top rubbing against the roof of my throat. It isn't hugely painful but very annoying.Hi, Can anyone help me. I have an extra layer of skin growing from my tonsil. It is annoying when swallowing?
    Go see an ENT specialist and have the tonsil(s) removed. Tell them that it's causing you problems at night and more than likely that you can have it removed. Plus it's done in outpatient surgery and you can be home the same day.

    How do you cut and serve a multi layer cake?

    Consult this link for cake cutting diagrams:鈥?/a>

    Essentially you start with the top layer, then when it is gone, move on to the next layer using the guide referenced above.How do you cut and serve a multi layer cake?
    amphitryon thanks for your answer too! Report Abuse
    How do you cut and serve a multi layer cake?
    you are referring to a multilayer's cake being difficult to cut.

    keeping it very cold, a very sharp knife with a thin blade, and not only ';wiping off'; the knife, but better rinsing in cold water between cuts, will help you make clean cuts and no ';squisched'; slices.

    BTW, rinsing the knife between cuts also works for cutting semi-soft cheeses (Edam, Havarti etc,)
    Cut the cake with a sharp knife, wiping off the knife after slicing each piece. If you have problems cutting the slices, warm the blade of the knife under hot running water before cutting each slice.

    If you use clean dental floss or a good strong thread like quilting thread it works great . Don't get in a hurry cut with a sawing motion .
    You need a multi-layer knife for that - Lowes sells them.
    Call me stupid but I don't understand....I normally just cut it and its fine and then serve it on a plate.

    Is there anyway we can repair the ozone layer?

    Why repair what isn't broken?

    When it was first discovered about 50 years ago, it was one size. Over time, scientists noticed that the hole was larger and immediately the ';chicken little'; syndrome set in claiming that we were making the hole larger. WRONG!

    As scientists came to better understand the ozone layer, they realized that it contains a hole that fluctuates in size as a result of SOLAR activity. Some years it is larger and some years it is smaller.

    Mandated changes in the use of things such as CFC's (per the so-called Toronto treaty) have had no significant impact on the ozone layer. Typical overreaction by politicians and environmentalists.Is there anyway we can repair the ozone layer?
    The ozone hole will repair itself as long as we stop releasing ozone-depleting chemicals, such as chloro-flurocarbons, into the atmosphere. This was the subject of the Toronto treaty.Is there anyway we can repair the ozone layer?
    the ozone layer is fine! we don't have to repair it. it opens and closes in the area between africa and australia, stop f-ing worrying about it
    Mother Nature can fix the Ozone Layer, once we stop depleting it.
    Apparently the reduced use of CFC's and reduction in space missions is already having a positive effect.

    Just don't expect a docudrama telling us good news.

    Polarity and the structure of a phospholipid bi-layer?

    ok, I need help on my homework. Lol And I need to know what polarity has to do with the structure of the phospholipid bi-layer. Any help? thanks.Polarity and the structure of a phospholipid bi-layer?
    The lipid bilayer is composed of mostly of phospholipids. These are similar in structure to triacylglycerol except one of the fatty acids is replaced by a phosphate group. This gives it polarity (the phosphate ';head'; is polar/hydrophillic while the fatty acid tail is hydrophobic/non-polar). This polarity causes the phospholipids to form a bilayer with the hydrophobic fatty acids buried in the middle (protected from water) and the phosphate head (hydrophillic) exposed to the water.

    More information (and pictures) are here:鈥?/a>

    In which layer are fossils found?

    I need help, i cant find it anywhere ill pick best answer.In which layer are fossils found?
    The only thing I would add to the above good answers is that there can be many sedimentary layers at various levels, representing various past sedimentary periods.

    I thought you might get the impression it was just one layer. Sorry if I am being too obvious.In which layer are fossils found?
    Fossils are typically found in sedimentary rock, almost all of which were originally deposited as sediments by moving water. Subsequent processes hardened them into sedimentary rock, as overlying pressure squeezed the water out and the grains were cemented together. Often plants and animals were trapped, being buried in the sediments. As the sediments hardened into sedimentary rock, the dead things hardened into fossils.
    Fossils can be found in any sedimentary rock as old as or younger than the age of the earliest organisms preservable on Earth. That's pretty much a pure vanilla answer, however.

    Abundant fossils are found in sedimentary rocks formed in the marine environment and which are younger than about 600 million years of age (that is, younger than the earliest Cambrian rocks). They are found less abundantly in non-marine rocks (because environments that will preserve the remains or traces of plants and animals are harder to come by).

    Fossils are found in a sedimentary layer.
    under the sediment layer.
    I agree, sediment layer
    precambrien to very recent (before 5,000 yrs) because they take long time to form... at least last ice age (10,000 yrs)
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  • How to layer with these shirts?

    All right, I've got these shirts and I have no clue what to wear under them. The first one seems fine either by itself or with a simple tank top under, but the gray one is giving me a hard time. A regular tank top looked odd, and I'm at a loss as to what else I can wear under.

    Here are the shirts:鈥?/a>

    Why yes I am fashionably retarded.How to layer with these shirts?
    for the first one, a tank top underneath would probably be good an appropriate for school, but for the weekends and such, u might not need one underneath, depending on ur boobs. for the second shirt, maybe like a black spagetti(?) strap but not a wifebeater. it might look wierd, but its better than it slipping down on u when u least expect it and have your bra showing. btw, i love the grey shirt- sooo pretty! =DHow to layer with these shirts?
    i think just a tank top is fine for the 1st one.

    for the second i would try a plain black cami

    with no v-neck or scoop neck or anything

    just a straight cut

    I would try gray or cream tank tops. No lace, just plain on the top.

    Good luck :]
    where white tanks tops underboth. wow there both really cute. and where jeans and black flats
    i would wear a vest in black over it but if u want under i would choose a black cami but also 4 it not to see the cami wear a gray one and the other shirt is cute with many colors especially black or grey or give it a color pop
    the gray one would look cute by itself or with a white, black, or gray tank underneath. the striped one will look good with a simple black tank or a lacy black tank. hope this helps!
    These tops are good to layer under anything!..鈥?/a> They have them in all colors, their one size and fit awesome! So, wear any top over it and the lace shows giving it a flirty look. Also, try some of their complete outfits at鈥?/a> You get everything pictured for one price! So, get a complete outfit for under $40!
    if you have a striped tank top or anything with a pattern might be cute with the gray one. its hard to tell because it isn't on u. if u add more pics, it would be easier to tell.
    I would have more trouble with the white and black striped top. I would definitely go with a white lace tank under the gray top.

    A Sticky layer has been formed on goggles as i dint use them for a prolonged time how to remove the stickiness?

    It depends on what the lenses of the goggles are made of. I'm assuming some kind of plastic, but even different kinds of plastic react differently.

    I would start by spraying on some Fantastik, 409, something like that. Rub gently with your fingertips. Then rinse it off under running water. If that doesn't do it, try alcohol. Regular rubbing alcohol will work, or 100% 'denatured' alcohol (ethanol) would be better.A Sticky layer has been formed on goggles as i dint use them for a prolonged time how to remove the stickiness?
    Antibacterial wipes work wonders. It might take a little bit of elbow grease, but I use them for everything. If that doesn't work, I would try washing them with dish soap.A Sticky layer has been formed on goggles as i dint use them for a prolonged time how to remove the stickiness?
    Try pouring some rubbing alcohol on the goggles, then wipe well with a clean cloth, such as a micro fiber one.
    Hot water %26amp; bleach perhaps.
    Regardless of price I really think it's time to get a new pair.
    White Spirit will clear that off safely.

    Which particular layer of OSI model is not required, if two devices communicate at the same network?

    Explain WhyWhich particular layer of OSI model is not required, if two devices communicate at the same network?
    Didn't you already ask this? and didn't we say your question is invalid, because ALL LAYERS of the OSI model are used for any connection weather they be a network of two computers or across the world.

    If it's a school\work assignment, who ever presents the question is wrong.

    How much layer pellets do i have to feed 5 leghorn chickens per day if they are 6 months?

    I give mine around a cup and a half twice a day not alot since some goes to waste ( OTHER WORDS WONT EAT)How much layer pellets do i have to feed 5 leghorn chickens per day if they are 6 months?
    A chicken age 6 month need 100 grams per day. For 5 you need 500gms( half a kilogram). This food it is better to be given twice daily, early in the morning and mid day.How much layer pellets do i have to feed 5 leghorn chickens per day if they are 6 months?
    Well the thing is they will do much better if you just fill the feeders and keep them filled all day. They dont over feed themselves. They take the very minimum of feed so it shouldnt be a problem. I keep my feeders full all day every day. I also keep my lights on 24/7 as it keeps them from molting so soon and they lay everyday with an occasional miss now and then. I also put scratch grain and the water in all day full so you always know they are fed and plenty of water.

    Do members of phylum Cnidaria have a mesoderm layer?

    are all animals (with the exception of sponges) supposed to have a mesoderm, endoderm, and exoderm?

    Thanks a lotDo members of phylum Cnidaria have a mesoderm layer?

    Cnidaria and Ctenofora are diploblasts. They only have 2 germ layers. The endoderm and the ectoderm. Whereas triploblasts have all three layers. And poriferans(sponges) have no germ layers.

    What would the consequences be if the ozone layer surrounding the earth will destroyed?

    All life on earth would be destroyed due to excessive solar radiation and lack of oxygen
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  • The ozone layer is important because?

    A. ozone absorbs low energy radiation which warms the troposphere.

    B ozone purifies the atmosphere by reacting with excess fluorocarbons.

    C ozone absorbs ultraviolet radiations.

    D ozone reflects high energy radiations such as x-ray and gamma ray.

    E humans need to breathe air containing ozones.

    I said C.The ozone layer is important because?
    C. If it wasnt there we would all most likely die from either radiation posining or skin cancerThe ozone layer is important because?
    how about

    ozone reflects high energy radiations such as x-ray and gamma ray.

    If it was not for ozone, we would be dying in radiation.......
    You're Correct!!
    because it acts as a filter protecting us from the sun

    Do i layer or thin or just cut the back of my head to spike it?

    ok i want to spike the back of my head to look more emo but i want all of the spikes to be the same length. I want alot of small spikes. Should i ask my hair dresser to layer or thin or just plain cut it. Which am i supposed to do and i want to know whats the difference between thinning and layeringDo i layer or thin or just cut the back of my head to spike it?
    Ask the hair dresser! They know best! (hopefully XD)

    Please for who kind send me nyonya layer kuih receipes?鈥?/a>

    THICK LAYEr BOTTOM OF POOL:| please asnwer help?

    Okay i have an aboce ground 20 gallon pool.

    There is a really thick layer of algae on the btotom.

    I can't sweep it because then it just turns all the water green.

    I was wonderwing what i should do to get it out.

    I have poured a whole bunch of shock in it.

    But nothing seems to work

    Is there any suggestions to what else i cold try?THICK LAYEr BOTTOM OF POOL:| please asnwer help?
    When you sweep it you need to turn your assembly to waste,that way the stuff you sweep out doesnt go back into the pool it goes down the drain(should be a handle that determines where the water flows too near the filter) .After this is done ,Shock it ,let the remainder settle to the bottom repeat sweep.

    Then make your adjustments for ph and free chlorine,hardness etc...(dont forget to turn your handle back to filter)Theres usally a backwash option aswell remember to do this evry so often to help keep your filter from getting to dirty. Im assuming you mean 20,000 gallons.THICK LAYEr BOTTOM OF POOL:| please asnwer help?
    Dump the pool and start again. Use chlorine to keep it at the correct level ( need a test kit) and also keep the PH at the correct level by adding PH boost or PH decline which ever you need. If you keep these 2 at their correct levels all will be good!

    Howmany layer is in a maple tree?

    Actually three. You have the bark on the outside, the cambium (where water and nutrients are taken up) under the bark and the wood in the middle. Bark is the part the cambium that sluffs off and wood is part of the cambium that gets compressed when the tree grows.Howmany layer is in a maple tree?
    all of themHowmany layer is in a maple tree?
    Depends on the age of the tree. A new layer of growth is added each year.

    What layer of the earth is also known as the lithosphere?

    The Earth's crust and uppermost mantle.
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  • Why can't I make a new layer on Photoshop?

    I have Photoshop Elements 6.0 and I have a picture open and I keep trying to add a new layer and it won't let me! What should I do?Why can't I make a new layer on Photoshop?
    Here's how:


    ► New

    ► LayerWhy can't I make a new layer on Photoshop?
    I don't have Elements, but when I see this problem in regular Photoshop it is usually because the Image Mode is set wrong. It needs to be RGB or Grayscale or something other than Index color for you to be able to make a new layer.

    In Photoshop, you find the setting in the Image pulldown menu --%26gt; Mode. Maybe Elements is the same?
    There are four different ways to create a new layer.

    1. Layer %26gt; New %26gt; Layer

    2.Try hitting Control+Shift+N (Command+Shift+N for Mac).

    3. In your layers pallet (Go to Windows %26gt; Layers, if you don't see it), click on the little triangle at the top right and go to New Layer.

    4. At the bottom of your layers pallet, you should see a little square that looks kind of like a sticky note. Click on that.

    I hope one of these will work for you!

    How did the hole in the ozone layer occur over Antarctica ad not over Europe or North America?

    i ve read somewhere that Europe and North America are the highest producers of poisonous gases like CFCs..then why did the hole in the ozone layer occur over Antarctica and not over Europe or North America where they had their origin??How did the hole in the ozone layer occur over Antarctica ad not over Europe or North America?
    This nobody knows but there are many theroies... Scientists are still trying to figure this out and the hole over africa. Maybe it has something to do with the magnetic properties of the poles always shifting the ozone. Like i said all is in theory at this point.How did the hole in the ozone layer occur over Antarctica ad not over Europe or North America?
    It think it has to do with the magnetic field of the Earth. The harmful particles rise into the ozone, and then slowly ';ride'; the magnetic field towards the poles.
    Ozone was afraid of the NAFTA .......

    Im about to apply a new top layer skin vinyl to my snowboard, but the edges are cracked a bit and i was just ?

    so what would i use to fill in the cracks and scratches on the edges?Im about to apply a new top layer skin vinyl to my snowboard, but the edges are cracked a bit and i was just ?
    Chances are anything you fill the holes with will detach as your board flexes depending on what material is exposed by the scratch or crack. If you have plastic sidewalls you need to know whether they are ABS or UHMWPE. Almost nothing bonds to the second without some sort of surface treatment. If it is wood or fiberglass peeking through, you need to clean the cracks and scratches completely. After its clean wipe it with alcohol or thinner. If I remember correctly, thinner reacts with ABS so don't use it on that type of plastic. Make sure your board is at least room temp and fill the cracks with an epoxy suitable for bonding wood, fiberglass, metal and plastic. Epoxy dries very hard and is difficult to remove form unwanted areas once dry. Remember though if it is a plastic surface you need to know what kind for the proper surface treatment. You can use vinyl tape, like electrical tape, to make a little pocket to hold the epoxy in place while it dries.

    Chances are you'll end up with cracks and scratches on your board again. So if they are just cosmetic, leave them and put the vinyl on. If they are more serious than cosmetic, look for a new board to avoid catastrophe.

    Do I have to rake the thin layer of mulch out of my flower bed before rototilling?

    nope.. we call this soil conditioner... the organic content of the mulch will boost the organics in the soil.. it would be a good idea to roll a little fertilizer in there, too... just cheap garden fertilizer like 10-10-10 or 12-12-12 will do.Do I have to rake the thin layer of mulch out of my flower bed before rototilling?
    No the mulch is good for the soil.Do I have to rake the thin layer of mulch out of my flower bed before rototilling?
    No! If it is a thin layer as you say I would till it in the soil this helps the soil hold water and as the mulch decompses it will add fertility to you beds.
    no don't remove it it will make the soil better

    Can you layer and Razor cut? or r they two different things?

    I have thick and very small waves in my hair. Should I get it layered? or razor cut? Which i sbetter? And are these razor cut bangs?

    If not what are they? the way they are layered?Can you layer and Razor cut? or r they two different things?
    layering your hair is kind of the same thing as getting a razor cut.

    when you razor cut your hair, it adds more texture than just layering it.

    i'm not sure about if they're razor cut, i think his bangs are just normally cut with scisscors.

    answer mine...;鈥?/a>

    What Dual Layer DVD Drives Can Backup Xbox 360 games?


    I was just wondering what DVD drives are capable of backing up xbox 360 games.

    I was also wondering if it is possible to get an external dual layer dvd drive?

    thanksWhat Dual Layer DVD Drives Can Backup Xbox 360 games?
    Hitachi is the most common , but the dvd drive of the pc has to be any one of the xbox drives .i dont mean the exact drive of your xbox, just any drive so eg.your xbox could be Hitachi and your pc dvd drive could be siemens thatll still work because siemens drives can be found on xboxes,
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  • What is your view of Global Warming and is there a hole in the ozone layer?

    Ozone and Global Warming are unrelated.

    CO2 is 30% higher than it has been for 650,000 years. Methane is 130% greater. These are two of the main pollutants humans put into the atmosphere in excess, and they are two of the primary greenhouse gases.

    Look at the 'hockeystick', which shows a dramatic warming since 1950 after a fairly stable climate for 1000 years. In fact, the 10 hottest years in recorded history have all happened since 1990, with 2005 being the hottest.

    (see links below)

    How's that for proof of man's fault in this? There is ample proof, any real scientist will tell you that.

    There has NEVER been an article doubting man's influence on global warming published in a peer-reviewed journal. A recent study of almost 1000 proved that.

    Yes, the earth naturally heats and cools, but the rate and amount we are warming now is unprecedented in the recent geologic past. We are doing this, and we must stop it. This is not some political statement or rhetoric. This is science trying to educate a crass, ignorant public of the damage they are doing. The magnitude of temperature increase ALREADY is about 10x that of the 'little ice age' of the middle ages, and rate and amount are only going up.

    Just to be clear, glacial and interglacial cycles are mainly controlled by astronomical fluctuations, but we have a detailed record of the last 7 cycles, and what the climate and CO2 is doing now is way different and extreme. The rate of increase is much higher than in the past AND the value itself is much higher.

    HI CO2:鈥?/a>

    HOCKEY STICK:鈥?/a>

    General climate stuff:鈥?/a>What is your view of Global Warming and is there a hole in the ozone layer?
    Global warming = real and very bad

    Stop driving inefficient vehicles and wasting so much energy! Ride a bike or walk, use flourescent bulbs, not incandescent!

    Ozone layer = has a hole, being fixed since we don't use CFCs

    Since the Montreal Protocol CFCs (the cause of ozone depletion) have been outlawed and rarely used (except in some places like China where regulation is difficult). The ozone hole should be healed within the next century. It is VITAL that you understand that global warming and ozone depletion are separate environmental issues and that one is not caused by the other or vice versa.What is your view of Global Warming and is there a hole in the ozone layer?
    Both global warming and depletion of the ozone layer are well-established scientific facts.

    If you don't ';believe'; in them, you haven't studied the science.
    Yes on the Ozone hole.

    Re: GW, it is happening on Mars too:鈥?/a>

    That Global Warming is everywhere!

    Thursday, December 24, 2009

    Should I layer my hair? will it still go in a pony?

    I am getting my hair cut tonight and I don't know if I should get layers, or not. if I get them will it still be able to go into a pony? I have nice clips and things for that and it looks nice, but my hair has no style. any advice.. thanks!Should I layer my hair? will it still go in a pony?
    Yeaa ! you will need differnt types of clips so u can experement 2 see which 1's work best for you. but it also depends on how short the layers are. xShould I layer my hair? will it still go in a pony?
    I would get the layers. They're really fun to have and they add so much style to your hair. But you should remember that if you get them you will need to have your hair cut every 4-6 weeks, because otherwise the layers look terrible. I can still put my hair in a ponytail, but my hair is long.
    Get long layers, and definitely communicate your needs to the stylist.
    okay, well get really long layers for starters, and get only 2 or 3.

    And it depends on how long your hair will be to get it into a pony
    its depends how short they are.

    if theyre pretty long, you could still wear ponytails.

    it they are super short, you wont be able to.
    my hair is in a pony right now, i have layers. i love my layers! they do look nice with clips, sooo......GO FOR IT!
    u should layer your hair it will look nice 4 u....if u have any other clips that's is beautiful u can use it
    yea, i think layers are stylish for summer!

    How many of you have had a small layer of fat around...?

    your lower abs area and those lovehandles and have gotten rid of it.? What did you to get rid of it?

    I know excercise and diet does the trick but specifically what did you do?

    Thank you.How many of you have had a small layer of fat around...?
    there is a workout bench at the gym where it is pretty much a sit up for your back, your hips go on the padded part and your upper body hangs toward the floor and you lift yourself up holding your chest but using your back.How many of you have had a small layer of fat around...?
    I used to have extra fat there. Try side lifts.

    Prop yourself up on your right elbow. Balance yourself with your other hand, now push up, bring yourself down slowly. Repeat ten times. Build up to at least twenty over time. Repeat on the other side.

    Do at least a hundred and fifty crunches a day. Walk briskly for at least 60 min. a day and/or do cardio for 30-60 min. per day.

    I also cut out most trans-fats, found in American cheese, bakery cakes and goodies, etc. Look on the label, if there is one, and look for partially hydrogenated oils in the ingredients list, if available.

    I also drank more water, switched from whole milk to 1%milk and cut down on my fruit consumption (from 5 to 3 servings a day).

    Don't overdo it, though. If you're tired or hurting, take a day off and don't beat yourself up if you don't eat perfectly everyday. Good luck!

    Septum piercings when you get it done does it go through the cartledge or the layer of skin between?

    The cartilage itself is not pierced, but rather the small gap between the cartilage and the bottom of the nose.

    Could someone explain what DVD layers are? What difference is there between double and triple layer?

    What exactly are layers? Is triple layer WAY better than double? Can you visually see a difference between the amount of layers when played on your TV? Sorry for sounding dumb, but I just don't get it. I burn DVDs at home, but never payed much attention to the layers.Could someone explain what DVD layers are? What difference is there between double and triple layer?
    I dont think there is a such thing as a triple layer DVD. A double layer DVD simply holds twice as much data as a single layer DVD by burning a second layer of data over top of the first one at a different depth. The laser inside the DVD player will read all the way through the first layer and refocus to read the second layer. If you watch carefully during a movie you can usually catch this ';layer change'; as a small pause in the movie where the video will lock up for a second. Anyway, the only reason video tends to look better on a double layer DVD is because they had more room to store the movie, so they didn't have to compress it as much. The DVD player doesn't read both layers at the same time like a flashlight shining through a red filter and then a blue filter to make purple light. It just reads one and then the other sequentially. Hope this helps.Could someone explain what DVD layers are? What difference is there between double and triple layer?
    I didnt even know there was triple!

    regular blank DVDs are 4.7gb

    double layer (like the ones that commercial DVD movies are on) are 8 or 8.4gb)

    the more data, then the better picture /or longer movie you can put on the DVD
    Triple layer? I never have heard of it on dvd's but the layers all it means is how much information can be placed on the disk. The site might be able to help clear things up as well.

    Does the nose contain any layer of fat?

    In other words is there fat under the skin of the nose.Does the nose contain any layer of fat?
    There can be..but unless you're overweight it's not likely.
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  • What are the devices used in each layer of OSI-ISO model?

    devices in each layer from physical to application layer in this madel.What are the devices used in each layer of OSI-ISO model?

    How to save the world from OZONE LAYER?

    hi any one tell that how to control the ozone layerHow to save the world from OZONE LAYER?

    PLANT MORE TRESS,CUT LESS TRESSHow to save the world from OZONE LAYER?
    you can't control it.
    First off the one way we can sort of control it is to have self control. The second thing is that we might be able to creat ozone. Ozone is created by lightning and research has been done but so far not enough electrical current was created to keep the artificial ozone in so the studies are still being done.
    whats did is done...

    good bye world and all who inhabit it
    Hi Sweetie, we actually need the Ozone Layer. However, we really don't control it, that would be like saying we control the rain or wind or oxygen. It is pretty silly if you think about it. Take a moment to look into what the National weather association has to say about global warming. They say it is a myth. They are the experts, unlike alarmist individuals screaming about the sky falling.
    Unless you are god, you can't do anything except reduce the emission of gases like Carbon Dioxide (CO2) that cause the greenhouse effect, which its just the overheating of the earth due to the failure of the ozone (O3) layer which has a large hole. Basically, you are not protecting Earth from the Ozone layer, but from its failure to work. You should try helping the Ozone layer in order to save the world. You can always try planting trees, recycling or drive your bike instead of your car... also try carpooling too, or ride the bus instead. Whatever helps reduce contamination which will eventually help the Earth restore and therefore help the Earth restore the Ozone layer. Right now, the ozone layer is very deteriorated, it's very comforting knowing that there are some people who still interested about saving the environment. You go man!
    Search ';GO GREEN'; and you will find many sites that can explain many ways to help our planet and the ozone layer.
    Actually we NEED the ozone layer. It protects us from ultraviolet radiation coming in from space.

    That's why CFCs were banned - because they degrade the ozone layer.
    uhmm heres the BEST freekin advise dont pollute the air!!!

    =) now awnser my question abt where the heck was aphrodite born!!!
    keep it from depleting because we need it

    hybrid cars, use less electricity, less factories, etc

    What layer of the sun do solar flares occur on?

    Sunspots occur on the photosphere. Sunspots, flares and prominences start in the convective layer of the sun. The photosphere , visual surface of the sun is the top of the sun's convective layer. Flares and prominences and coronal mass ejections occur in the corona, and when a coronal mass ejection reaches Earth, there was a coronal hole that it went throughj first. usually.What layer of the sun do solar flares occur on?
    A flare is defined as a sudden, rapid, and intense variation in brightness. A solar flare occurs when magnetic energy that has built up in the solar atmosphere is suddenly released. Radiation is emitted across virtually the entire electromagnetic spectrum, from radio waves at the long wavelength end, through optical emission to x-rays and gamma rays at the short wavelength end. The amount of energy released is the equivalent of millions of 100-megaton hydrogen bombs exploding at the same time! The first solar flare recorded in astronomical literature was on September 1, 1859. Two scientists, Richard C. Carrington and Richard Hodgson, were independently observing sunspots at the time, when they viewed a large flare in white light.

    As the magnetic energy is being released, particles, including electrons, protons, and heavy nuclei, are heated and accelerated in the solar atmosphere. The energy released during a flare is typically on the order of 1027 ergs per second. Large flares can emit up to 1032 ergs of energy. This energy is ten million times greater than the energy released from a volcanic explosion. On the other hand, it is less than one-tenth of the total energy emitted by the Sun every second.

    There are typically three stages to a solar flare. First is the precursor stage, where the release of magnetic energy is triggered. Soft x-ray emission is detected in this stage. In the second or impulsive stage, protons and electrons are accelerated to energies exceeding 1 MeV. During the impulsive stage, radio waves, hard x-rays, and gamma rays are emitted. The gradual build up and decay of soft x-rays can be detected in the third, decay stage. The duration of these stages can be as short as a few seconds or as long as an hour.

    Solar flares extend out to the layer of the Sun called the corona. The corona is the outermost atmosphere of the Sun, consisting of highly rarefied gas. This gas normally has a temperature of a few million degrees Kelvin. Inside a flare, the temperature typically reaches 10 or 20 million degrees Kelvin, and can be as high as 100 million degrees Kelvin. The corona is visible in soft x-rays, as in the above image. Notice that the corona is not uniformly bright, but is concentrated around the solar equator in loop-shaped features. These bright loops are located within and connect areas of strong magnetic field called active regions. Sunspots are located within these active regions. Solar flares occur in active regions.

    The frequency of flares coincides with the Sun's eleven year cycle. When the solar cycle is at a minimum, active regions are small and rare and few solar flares are detected. These increase in number as the Sun approaches the maximum part of its cycle. The Sun will reach its next maximum in the year 2011, give or take one year.

    A person cannot view a solar flare by simply staring at the Sun. (NEVER LOOK DIRECTLY AT THE SUN! EYE DAMAGE CAN RESULT.) Flares are in fact difficult to see against the bright emission from the photosphere. Instead, specialized scientific instruments are used to detect the radiation signatures emitted during a flare. The radio and optical emissions from flares can be observed with telescopes on the Earth. Energetic emissions such as x-rays and gamma rays require telescopes located in space, since these emissions do not penetrate the Earth's atmosphere.What layer of the sun do solar flares occur on?
    A solar flare is a thunderous explosion that occurs in the solar corona and chromosphere within the atmosphere of the Sun.
    The solar flares occur from...not on....the corona..or..outer layer of the sun.

    They shoot out ejecta from the surface of the sun in the form of solar flares.

    Which layer of Mormon hell do people that listen to Smashing Pumpkins and Radiohead go to?

    They are a layer above people who listen to Placebo and Metallica, and a layer below people who listen to REM and Pet Shop Boys.Which layer of Mormon hell do people that listen to Smashing Pumpkins and Radiohead go to?
    most unrepentant sinners who repent in the face of jesus might only go to the telestial glory.

    there is a lower hell then where prostitutes and whoremongers and liars and thieves go.

    such a place is called a place without glory.

    most christians and mormons a like might not get into the Terrestrial glory.

    however mormons have a greater pass becasue of their repentance and temple ordinances if they do not sin.

    that was the indirect answer!

    let me try to answer directly...

    those that die in their sins go to hell automaticall, jesus said without faith a person is damned already.

    as for music, unless the music is devil worship and the person who listens to it is a devil worshipper the odds are good that a person will avoid hell and possible get spirit prison or purgatory. what matters is faith. and if a person hasnt commited a critical sin. the bible says one sin is forgiven but for ten sins there there is destruction and it says men do stay in hell ten days.

    paul also said if a person does not eat animals strangled or cooked in blood or drink blook or eat food offered to idols they will do well.Which layer of Mormon hell do people that listen to Smashing Pumpkins and Radiohead go to?
    The one where Miley Cyrus holds a never-ending concert. There's no better way to punish people with good taste in music than to make them listen to eternal ear rape.
    Mormons believe we all go to heaven. There is no hell and no layers there either, so double FAIL.

    Smashing Pumpkins are awesome.
    I don't know but I sure wouldn't like to go with them.

    Radiohead are DULL
    Sorry Mormons don't believe in hell or lake of fire.

    Stop being ignorant.
    Troll much?
    all mormons go to hell.

    I dont like those bands nad havent heard of them
    they dont control hell which is graves...they block me cuz they dont want to hear the truth of the trinity..

    You need 1/2 cup of sugar to make a 3 layer cake. how much sugar would you need to make a one layer cake?

    You'd need 1/8 of a cup, which is half of a 1/4 cupYou need 1/2 cup of sugar to make a 3 layer cake. how much sugar would you need to make a one layer cake?
    a half cup of sugar...You need 1/2 cup of sugar to make a 3 layer cake. how much sugar would you need to make a one layer cake?
    1/6 cup
    You would need 1/6 of a cup. Two 3 layer cakes would take 1 cup. That works out to 1/6 for each layer. That would be exactly 1 1/3 of an ounce in the measuring cup. You could probably figure it out in tablespoon fulls also.
    Easy, 2.666666 tablespoons lol

    16 tablespoons in a cup

    8 in a half cup

    8 divided by 3 is 2.666666666
    All ingredients would be divided by 3 to only make 1 layer. Therefore, as there are 8 Tablespoons (24 teaspoons) in 1/2 cup it would be 24 teaspoons divided by 3 which would equal 8 teaspoons which equals 2 Tablespoons and 2 teaspoons.
    If the one layer cake is the same size as the three layer cake, then you would need the same amount of sugar. If the one layer cake is one third the size of the three layer cake, you would need 42 grams of sugar to be precise.
    1/6 of a cup or about 18 grams. (to make 1/6 of a cup, fill a 1/3 cup measurer to about half)

    Help 10 points!! In which atmosphere layer is most of the ozone found?

    also if you know these

    In which three layers does the temperature increase as the altitude rises?

    In which layer would you expect to see the space shuttle?

    In which layer are there only ions escaping into space?

    In which layer do most transcontinental planes fly?

    In which layer do most meteors burn up?

    In which layer does the greenhouse effect occur?Help 10 points!! In which atmosphere layer is most of the ozone found?
    I will answer these questions by number.


    2. Statosphere, Thermosphere, and the Exosphere ( I'm not so sure about the Exosphere but I'm positive about the others.

    3. Thermosphere

    4. Exosphere

    5. Troposhere

    6. Mesospere

    7. Either Stato- or Tropo-, not positive.

    I hope this helps :)Help 10 points!! In which atmosphere layer is most of the ozone found?
    In which atmosphere layer is most of the ozone found?


    In which three layers does the temperature increase as the altitude rises?

    I am aware of only two levels: Stratosphere and Thermosphere.

    In which layer would you expect to see the space shuttle?


    In which layer are there only ions escaping into space?


    In which layer do most transcontinental planes fly?


    In which layer do most meteors burn up?


    In which layer does the greenhouse effect occur?

    The effect is dispersed throughout the atmospheric layers
  • glycolic peel
  • hair highlight
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  • olive oil
  • How come the ozone layer has a hole, can't the existing ozone diffuse so that the whole layer decreases?

    The ozone depletion zone (not really a hole) was formed as a result of chemical reactions from gases that we released (but not from atomic bombs!).

    There is diffusion going on, however at the poles the jet streams don't reach up there well enough to mix the air and that limits how much diffusion and mixing can happen.

    Check out the NOAA website which will give you lots of good scientific information on the subject.How come the ozone layer has a hole, can't the existing ozone diffuse so that the whole layer decreases?
    The depletion appears in the ozone layer was a result of the 2 atomic bombs that were dropped on Hiroshima %26amp; Nagasaki during WWII in Japan on the 6th %26amp; 9th of August in 1945.

    It would take half of a millennium to recover the loss of ozone layer. If the earth were to lose all the ozone layer (HOPEFULLY NOT!!!), we and all the living organisms on this planet would be fried to death by UV radiation

    That's why the ozone layer is VERY IMPORTANT for the existence of all life forms on Earth.

    Where can i buy aone dual layer dvds in australia?


    i have just moved from the uk to australia and am wanting to make a back up of my latest xbox 360 game, when in england i always used Aone disc but i cant seem to find any in oz!! please help!!Where can i buy aone dual layer dvds in australia?
    Here are some dual layer dvds鈥?/a>

    They aren't AOne but they should be more than sufficient

    Does any type of pills outside layer contain plastic?

    i split open a pill and there was white dusty stuff in it and the outside part was plastic. sorry if some of you dont understand, but this is really difficult to explain. im wondering if the outside part is plastic. because its bendy and looks like plastic. please help me with this b/c if it IS plastic, i can sue them for giving me plastic. thanks.Does any type of pills outside layer contain plastic?
    No. Pills are covered with a substance which holds the compound in the pill or capsule and allows for it to dissolve. Capsules and the ';skin'; on tablets are typically made from gelatin.

    The main function of the palisade layer of a leaf is?鈥?/a>

    Cylindrical cell lying immediately beneath the upper epidermis of a leaf. Palisade cells normally exist as one closely packed row and contain many chloroplasts. During the hours of daylight palisade cells are photosynthetic, using the energy of the sun to create carbohydrates from water and carbon dioxide.

    Is it good to put a layer of peat around blueberries under pinestraw,1 to 2 inches deep?

    Sure, blueberries like acidic soil, and peat will leach acid. But it's also rather hydrophobic, so it might end up repelling water; or worse, absorbing all of it and keeping it from the plant. I'd work some into the surrounding soil, maybe a few handfuls, just to loosen the soil a bit. Blueberries like a sandy soil.Is it good to put a layer of peat around blueberries under pinestraw,1 to 2 inches deep?
    Blueberrys require an acidic soil in order to grow well, so my suggestion would be to use sawdust rather than peat. A good amount of pine sawdust or shavings mixed into the soil will do those berries well. Your teeth will be blue before you know it!Is it good to put a layer of peat around blueberries under pinestraw,1 to 2 inches deep?

    I have 3 blueberry plants and have used both peat moss and pinestraw and pine needles when I can get it. I get a gallon off of one blueberry plant and it is about 4 years old.

    I have clay soil but when I planted the blueberries, I mixed a bag of peat moss, planted the blueberries, covered with pine straw then peat moss again
    Yes, the are acid loving plants, and live in forest. They have big ones in the Boston Forest, my dad brought some home for me, the size of large peas.

    What is the difference between a layer and a channel in photoshop?

    Actually, layers and channels are two very separate things, and used for specific and different purposes, so it's not really an issue of one versus the other.

    Having a Photoshop file that contains layers lets you -- for instance -- assign different components of your file to different work areas. The biggest advantage of working in an image with layers allows you to work on one part of the image without disturbing the other parts.

    Let's say you wanted to make a composite photo, using pictures of three of your friends. You could put each friend's picture on a separate layer in one Photoshop file, and be able to move the picture on each layer independently.

    You could also edit each layer independently. If you wanted to make a change to one friend's hair color, or bump up the color on another friend's face, you could do those things without affecting the overall picture. When you're finished and satisfied with each layer, you could merge, or combine, the layers into one composite layer.

    Channels are much different from layers. When you open a new image in Photoshop, you automatically create color information channels. The image's color mode determines the number of color channels created.

    For example, an RGB image has four default channels: one for each of the red, green, and blue colors, plus a composite channel used for editing the image (that's all three channels put together). A CMYK image has five channels -- one each for cyan, magenta, yellow and black, and also a composite channel. You can edit each channel independently, or edit the color in the composite channel. So channels allow you to manipulate the color of an image.

    You can also create what's known as alpha channels to store selections as grayscale images. And alpha channels can be used to create and store masks, which let you manipulate or protect specific parts of an image. An image can have up to 56 channels.

    So you can see that layers and channels are two totally separate things. Long story short, layers are used for editing separate parts of an image, and compositing, and channels have to do with the color mode and color editing of an image.

    Hope this helps!What is the difference between a layer and a channel in photoshop?
    If you are operating in RGB - you can see and edit the individual channels that make up the composite image - Red channel, Green channel and a Blue channel. Layers on the other hand are complete composite images containing all three channels.

  • glycolic peel
  • hair highlight
  • oil leak
  • olive oil
  • How do you make your Seven-Layer Bean Dip?

    From the bottom:

    Frito-Lay Bean Dip

    Sour Cream mixed w/ Taco seasoning


    Corn Relish

    small-diced Tomatoes or chunky salsa

    sliced green onions

    sliced black olives

    shfedded cheese

    That's 8. But who's counting?How do you make your Seven-Layer Bean Dip?
    7 Layer Bean Dip Recipe

    Print Options


    * 2 cups of refried beans, either from one 15-ounce can or homemade

    * 1 teaspoon (or more) of bacon fat (or 1 strip of bacon, cooked and minced) optional

    * 1 teaspoon of chipotle powder, Tabasco chipotle sauce, or adobo sauce, more to taste (or plain chili powder to taste)

    * 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon ground cumin

    * Salt

    * 1 cup shredded cheddar or Monterey Jack cheese

    * 1/4 cup chopped green Anaheim chiles (canned) OR a Tbsp of chopped pickled jalapenos (more to taste)

    * 1 avocado, peeled and chopped

    * 1 hot house tomato, cut in half horizontally, seeds and juice gently squeezed out and discarded, chopped

    * 1/3 cup of sour cream, or if you can get it Crema Mexicana (Mexican sour cream)

    * 1/2 small can of sliced ripe black olives


    1 Heat the refried beans in a medium saut茅 pan or cast iron skillet. Stir in enough water to get a creamy, easily dip-able consistency, about 1/4 of a cup. The taste of refried beans is greatly enhanced by bacon fat; we'll add a teaspoon to canned beans or a tablespoon or more to taste if we are making the beans from scratch. If you don't have bacon fat, you can cook up a strip of bacon, chop it up fine and add that to the beans. If you are trying to avoid pork, note that most canned refried beans are made with added lard, so check the ingredients. You can use olive oil instead, to help the consistency of the beans.

    Mix in the chipotle chili powder (or Tabasco, or adobo, or regular chili powder) and cumin to taste. Note that the avocados and the sour cream will cool down the spiciness of the beans considerably, so you can afford to be a bit more spicy than you might think. Stir in salt to taste, depending on how salted your refried beans are to begin with, and depending on how salty the tortilla chips are that you are serving with the dip.

    2 Once the beans are hot and bubbly, spread them over the bottom of a warmed serving dish. Immediately add the shredded cheese so that the heat from the beans helps melt the cheese. (The cheese doesn't need to be completely melted, but even if it is just a little, it will help the dip stay on the chip.)

    3 Layer on the chopped green chilies, chopped avocado, chopped tomato. Spoon on the sour cream (or crema Mexicana, crema fresca, or even cream fraiche). Top with sliced green onions and olives.

    Serve immediately with tortilla chips.

    Serves 8.

    I think I need to make some tonight. Making me hungry.How do you make your Seven-Layer Bean Dip?
    The recipe I use is a modified version of Martha's


    4 tablespoons safflower oil

    1 cup minced Vidalia or Walla Walla onion

    4 garlic cloves, minced

    2 cans (15 1/2 ounces each) black beans, drained, liquid reserved

    1 can Muir Glen fire-roasted diced tomatoes, drained

    1/2 teaspoon coarse salt

    2 ripe avocados, halved, pitted, and peeled

    3 pickled jalapeno chiles, minced

    1 cup sour cream, plus 2 tablespoons

    2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice

    1 1/2 cups grated Extra Sharp White Cheddar

    6 scallions, thinly sliced

    6 ounces pitted Nicoise or Kalamata olives, chopped

    Blue corn tortilla chips, for serving


    Heat a large sauce pan over high heat for 2 minutes. Add the oil and heat for another minute. Add the onion and garlic and cook until the onion is translucent and season with salt.

    Stir in beans, and cook for 3 minutes. Roughly mash with the back of a spoon, adding reserved liquid as needed to attain desired consistency.

    Add salt to tomatoes. Mash the avocados with the jalapenos and the lemon juice.

    Layer all ingredients in a large bowl.

    Serve with chips.
    You have good answers here for the layers.... but you need to decide if you are serving a Hot dip or a Cold Dip. Either way - I take the refried beans and mix them with a helthy amout of salsa (your favority kind) - this helps make it a bit softer - easier to scoop - when either baked hot or served cold
    1. pureed black beans

    2. guacamole

    3.refried beans

    4. sour cream

    5. black olives

    6. jalapenos or salsa depends on how spicy I want it

    7. shredded cheddar cheese
    First i mix my refried beans with TWO pack of hot taco seasoning, layer of quacamole, sour cream shredded cheddar lettuce tomato onion and jalapeno slices. Than serve.

    Skin cells underneath my left eye die everyday. i can peel off a layer of skin. what can i do?

    in bottom of eyelashes and eyelid. not pink eye. tearducts ok. no know allergies and skin conditions. doctors here don't know what it is. help please.Skin cells underneath my left eye die everyday. i can peel off a layer of skin. what can i do?
    go to a skin specialist

    Photoshop question: How to change multiple layer properties simultaneously?

    Hi - here's the question: Let's say that I have a document with 10 text layers that are all red Times New Roman text, and I want to change all of them to black Arial text. Is there a way to change them all at once without having to edit the text properties of each layer separately?

    thanks!Photoshop question: How to change multiple layer properties simultaneously?
    Hold down the Ctrl button on your keyboard and select the multiple layers you want to edit. Let up off of the Ctrl button.

    Click on the Text tool, then open the Character Palette. Now any changes you make from here will be made to all the layers that are selected.

    Good luck,...

    Photoshop question: How to change multiple layer properties simultaneously?

    Hi - here's the question: Let's say that I have a document with 10 text layers that are all red Times New Roman text, and I want to change all of them to black Arial text. Is there a way to change them all at once without having to edit the text properties of each layer separately?

    thanks!Photoshop question: How to change multiple layer properties simultaneously?
    Hold down the Ctrl button on your keyboard and select the multiple layers you want to edit. Let up off of the Ctrl button.

    Click on the Text tool, then open the Character Palette. Now any changes you make from here will be made to all the layers that are selected.

    Good luck,...

    Whats the first ending for angelic layer called?

    the name of the song, band too if you can.Whats the first ending for angelic layer called?
    ';The Starry Sky'; by HAL…

    Is there really an Ozone layer? I mean i only hear the USA complaining about it ,what's the deal with that?

    Yes, there really is an ozone layer...

    If it wasn't there we would have no protection against cosmic radiation. No one wants to lose the ozone layer....Is there really an Ozone layer? I mean i only hear the USA complaining about it ,what's the deal with that?
    What? The US is complaining about the Ozone Layer? If that's true, then you can say ';Americans are greed bloodsuckers'; with closed eyes! :)

    Yeah, it's there. It's a layer of O3 that protects Earth from harmlful UV light rays coming from the Sun. However, because of all the pollution, the Ozone layer now has a hole, which means all those cancer-causing lights can pass.Is there really an Ozone layer? I mean i only hear the USA complaining about it ,what's the deal with that?
    The o3 layer is what protects us from harmful radiation. Its depletion is why it is no longer a good idea to go outside durring the daytime, and why people like me have come to fear the sun :P
    What is ozone ?

    Ozone is a bluish, very reactive gas, whose molecule is made by three oxygen atoms . (In the NASA image, one ozone molecule is formed through the collision of an oxygen atom with one biatomic oxygen molecule).

    Nearly 90% of the Earth's ozone is situated in the stratosphere , the atmosphere layer between 10 to 40 kilometers above Earth's surface, where it is continuously generated and destroyed by the UV radiation.

    Only a minor part of ozone is in the troposphere, the internal atmospheric layer, where the meteorological

    phenomena occur. Tropospheric ozone is mainly produced by photochemical reactions involving other

    pollutant gases, specially over large cities.

    May ozone be dangerous ?

    The thin layer ( NASA image) of ozone gas in the stratosphere (ozone layer) is shielding life on earth from the harmful UV light coming from the sun ( ';good ozone';).

    Ozone is harmful at earth level , being very reactive and irritant to the human eyes ( the so-called ';bad ozone'; ).

    Is ozone layer threatened?

    The overall amount of ozone is essentially stable in a natural cycle. This has been true for millions of years .

    Since some decades, according to atmospheric measurements, ozone layer is getting thinner. Ozone depletion has been most severe at the poles, specially over Antarctica, where a seasonal ozone layer ';hole'; appears ( in the NASA image the blue color means lack of ozone).

    The Antarctic ozone hole was discovered in 1985 by British scientists : it is not technically a “hole” where no ozone is present, but is actually a region of exceptionally depleted ozone in the stratosphere over the Antarctic that happens at the beginning of Southern Hemisphere spring (August-October). An endlessly circling whirlpool of stratospheric winds called the ';polar vortex'; isolates the air over Anctartica in winter. The ozone hole grows throughout the early spring until temperatures warm and the polar vortex weakens, ending the isolation of the air. As air from the surrounding latitudes mixes into the polar region, the ozone layer stabilizes until the following spring.

    According to scientists, certain man-made chemicals are major contributors to the problem. These chemicals are called Ozone-Depleting Substancies ( ODS) and include many gases containing chlorine and bromine, such as: chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs, substances containing chlorine, fluorine and carbon) used in refrigerators and blowing agents for foams; the ';Halons';, used for fire fighting; methyl bromide, used in agriculture.

    Since the second world war, CFCs have been widely employed, mainly because they are chemically inert and, as a consequence, non toxic and extremely stable.

    CFCs do not dissolve in rain : after several years, carried by the winds, they reach the stratosphere without being modified. Here their molecules are broken down by the intense UV light, and free chlorine atoms are created by this degradation.

    Each chlorine atom can destroy several thousands of ozone molecules before being removed from the atmosphere : chlorine is a catalist for the ozone depletion . Bromine ( e.g. from methyl bromide, used by farmers as a fumigant) is even more effective than chlorine.

    What are the effects of the reduction of the ozone layer ?

    The reduction of ozone layer will cause an increase of UV radiation at earth level. An excess of UV rays has been linked to skin burns, skin cancer, cataracts, and harm to certain crops and marine organisms.

    What is being done to stop ozone depletion?

    Replacing the CFCs and other Ozone Depleting Substances with environmentally safe substances. Researches are going on for identifying the best alternative substances ; presently HCFCs (hydrochlorofluorocarbons, substances containing hydrogen, chlorine, fluorine, carbon) are replacing CFCs, being much less harmful for the ozone layer. In the future, HCFCs will be phased out, too.

    The ';Montreal Protocol'; is the 1987 international treaty governing the protection of stratospheric ozone agreement to phase out the Ozone Depleting Substances.

    According to the Montreal Protocol ( and successive amendments) usage of the CFCs and most Halons have been reduced or phased out; other ODS, like HCFCs, will be phased out in the future .

    Montreal Protocol was without doubt a great success for the environment, clearly reducing the total amount of chlorine and bromine entering the atmosphere. Those reductions should first arrest the decline, then allow the ozone layer to rebuild. Anyway, even if the consumption of all ODS gases would be completely discontinued, it will take a lot of years before complete recovering of the ozone layer, due to their persistence in the atmosphere.

    Is the ozone hole over Anctartic starting to shrink?

    Scientists from NASA and other agencies have developed a new tool - a math-based computer model- to predict when the timing of ozone hole recovery. The model accurately reproduces the ozone hole area in the Antarctic stratosphere over the past 27 years. Using the model, the researchers predict that the ozone hole will recover in 2068, not in 2050 as currently believed. ';The Antarctic ozone hole is the poster child of ozone loss in our atmosphere,'; said author Paul Newman, a research scientist at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Md. ';Over areas that are farther from the poles like Africa or the U.S., the levels of ozone are only three to six percent below natural levels. Over Antarctica, ozone levels are 70 percent lower in the spring. This new method allows us to more accurately estimate ozone-depleting gases over Antarctica, and how they will decrease over time, reducing the ozone hole area.'; Notwithstanding some encouraging improvement in the northern mid-latitudes, the anctartic ozone hole has not yet started to significantly shrink, something they predict will not start to occur until 2018.

    Are greenhouse gases responsible for ozone depletion?

    The most important greenhouse gases ( carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxides ) are not Ozone Depleting Substances .

    Anyway the CFCs are greenhouse gases; tropospheric ozone itself is a greenhouse gas.

    Unfortunately some substances used to substitute CFCs, like HCFCs are less dangerous to ozone, but are greenhouse gases, too.
  • glycolic peel
  • hair highlight
  • oil leak
  • olive oil
  • If you were a defense layer defending your client against the rape of a 13 year old girl...?

    ...and the client confessed he is guilty to you under the clause you can't say anything to anyone else, would you continue defending him?

    By the way, the client is an important political figure and if you leave this case it will probably majorly affect your career and you will loose your advocate licence.If you were a defense layer defending your client against the rape of a 13 year old girl...?
    there was a movie called ';the devils advocate'; with a similar situation. were you watching that by any chance when you asked the question? hell no i wouldn't represent the sick f***If you were a defense layer defending your client against the rape of a 13 year old girl...?
    Its against the law for a lawyer to continue defending some one if they confess that they're guilty. So no, I would not continue defending him.
    Even pond-scum is entitled to legal representation, so hang with your client. Useful techniques for defending pond-scum include:

    1. Victim asked for it...she seduced me!

    2. She's been with 17 other sex partners [witnesses listed]

    3. She's in the pay of my political opponents...I was set up.

    4. I believed her when she said she was 19.

    5. I was heavily medicated at the time...[and]

    6. I've already signed up for a treatment program.

    Nos. 1 and 2 are designed to turn the victim into the villain; nos. 3 and 4 can be grouped can 5 and 6. Destroy the victim and you'll walk away with a big check and a great future!
    If this does end up getting out, then your carrier still goes down the toilet........What can he do if you quit? Pull a few strings to affect the career, well in that case you have nothing to worry about. You didn't do anything and you can prove it.

    I say quit. Its is your duty to bring fairness to the justice system and letting a powerful man manipulate you to do otherwise, is just wrong. Stand up to him, tell him either we do it the right way or we don't do it at all.....
    If I'm a half-way decent defense attorney, I will not permit my client to confess to me. I do not need to know to provide him with the best defense I can.

    While criminal attorneys may find their clients' acts morally reprehensible, the accused remain entitled to a competent defense. It's the basis of the legal system that, while flawed, remains the best in the world.
    I wouldn't want to, but if it would really affect my career, I suppose I would. However, I would not LIE or try to protect him any more than the law requires. There has to be someway of defending him and still allowing the truth to come out. As far as I know, there is no law that says you have to lie.

    The law is suppose to be about justice. If you have to defend him, then do so with the plan of allowing the truth to come out. As far as I am concerned, it is lying if you cover the truth. He should not get off because he is a big political figure. It is time these folks start to pay just as other people pay. ESPECIALLY, in a situation like this one. If you know that it will really hurt your career to allow him to go to jail, maybe you should consider not defending him. Sounds like, you have a situation where you really can not totally win. If you let him go free, then your letting the child down and all the other kids that he may do the same to. You are letting everyone down to let him go free on purpose. I have never understood allowing a guilty person go free because they can cover the truth.
    I thought they weren't supposed to tell you if they were guilty and if they did you have to excuse yourself. I don't know anything about law, I think I got this from movies and tv. If I were you I wouldn't represent him. If you have any type of moral compass, you won't either. You can always find some other line of work and at least you would be able to sleep at night. The B****** needs to go to jail, hopefully they have enough evidence against him.
    As a defense lawyer, you have a few different jobs. First, you represent and protect your client and don't use the information against him that he gave you. Most clients, even if they are ';guilty'; won't admit it, so this rarely comes up, but there are a couple of things to keep in mind. First, ';guilty'; means there is enough evidence to prove the crime whether your client did it or not. If there is not enough evidence to prove the crime, it is likely he will not be convicted and you need to explain that to your client (as you must also explain to him sometimes that despite his protestations of innocence, the evidence is probably going to lead to a conviction). Second, you also can do damage control and remediation. If your client is a pedophile, you could talk to him and the prosecutor about him going to counseling, agreeing to move out of the area and never having contact w/ the kid or any kids again, etc. which will do a lot to solve the problem from recurring, and you could probably fashion a plea agreement where he plead guilty to a lesser offense, paid the victim some money, sincerely apologized, gave money to a charity of their choosing and paid for counseling for the kids and did something else to help them heal. It doesn't mean you can or should prevent him from getting a criminal record or allow him to run free around young girls again but by being part of the solution, you can do everyone a service.
    It is highly unlikely that a defendant is going to confess to their defense attorney, but if they did the attorney would probably advise the client that they cannot offer an adequate defense and advise the defendant to find another lawyer. Our criminal justice system is based on the premise that all defendants are entitled to a legal defense and we go to great lengths to ensure that everyone is provided with that defense. This may not always seem fair, but it is a good system and it works well for us.
    You don't have to quit.

    If you know he is certainly guilty, just give a bad performance, and ensure a conviction.

    This way, your career remains intact and justice is carried out.